it wasn't that good but i still like it.... nice
A guy with an afro beats up several ninjas... in widescreen...
it wasn't that good but i still like it.... nice
The ruler of boobulon 7 got what was coming!
That wa sthe best movie that ive ever saeen. I qwil goh fucque an sheape meow!
Wow afro guy can beat ninjas.
IF that is richard simmons I'm gonna slap you in the forehead since you disgrace the ninjas.
Not bad
The fight scenes could've been better, but still good.
I would think the title was self explaining but because their are just some people who don't get it (i.e. that their jokes aren't funny *hint hint*)
you suck at titles. you suck at hints. you suck at jokes. you suck at *getting it*