for a first flash it came out good, the camera idea was cool.
Hello world of newgrounds, this is the first time i have ever used flash so, keep that in mind. And for the sake of originality, im not gonna say vote 5, im gonna say vote 3! <(''<) (>'')> (^''^)
for a first flash it came out good, the camera idea was cool.
I thought it was good.
just for originality im giving you 10/10 and 5/5, i thought the people were pretty good and the mouth synched up okay, plus the webcam part was pretty cool. keep working on your animations and they will keep getting better
-Johnny boy
Thanks! that means a lot!
Why would I vote 3 that was nice :P
I like the cam-draw thingy you did :P should try to improve your mic or sound :P
Lolz k xD
Gz, I voted a 3 ;)
Nah, but it's still a good effort ^^,
Keep practicing!,