Why am i not crying im still laghing
TOO SAD MAN ! GOTTA WATCH DIS SAD STORY . I feel scared that someone'll blam this cos it's so sad .
It's short , but sad .
EDIT: Somebody help me put this in a collection .
Another EDIT : WooHOO ! At the bottom of the screen , it says people who liked this enjoyed .....
People actually LIKE one of MY flashes .
Why am i not crying im still laghing
Hmmm ... I don't know what you mean .
good idea
its not something you see everyday but it was good
Thanks , Poisened-noise .
Feels incomplete
Probably some vocals? Or more to the story than just, "We killed him."
Ok . Thanks , skewerstix .
You did an awsome job on this flash. I liked the looks on their faces at the end. I enjoyed wartching it, to bad it was so short.
Start 7/10,
I thought it was kool. The dream idea was good.
Animation 7/10,
Pretty good for stickmen, I actually liked the way you did everything. And the faces where funny. HAHA
Voice and etc 1/10,
Not much sound. Just him jumping out of bed
Story/Originality 8/10,
While these 'types' of storys are done again and again. This was a unique twist on that type of story. After all everythings been done all ready, to be fair lol.
-ups score-
Overall 9/15 (Only low because of no sound and length)
Voted 3/5...I just looked up and some how I voted 5? Todays your lucky day. Enjoy the present :)
Thanks alot , Routanne !