Good shit
Started this months ago, didn't push myself to finish it until now.
So here you go, it's a stupid terribly animated Runescape parody, if you love me, vote five :).
And I respond to most all reviews.
Thanks :D
Good shit
Um, wow. This has a really high rating even though you yourself say it's horribly animated. How odd. Well, you do say to vote five. I guess a lot of people really do love you. Good for you!
I know little about Runescape. Then again, I doubt I'd like this more if I did. That was a nicely drawn cock. Wow, that sounds gay. Don't make it a loop.
i laughed pretty hard
Well one of my accounts hacked/banned..Lost things in the wild... I stopped for a year and came back then later i just thought why i was playing runescape again?
totally sucks ass,i only play it when there isn't shit to do in all the world.