The normal game seemed rather...well, it seemed like a lot of other shooters. It's good, don't get me wrong...but adding some more spice would be nice. A few more powerups, possibly a bit more dynamic background, and maybe a change in music to certain events. A boss type monster would also be very nice to see every once in a while, and upgraded versions of enemies. Possibly a permanent upgrade system for your ship would be nice.
Now, the circle attack, for me, was a real draw. You basically made a...hm...a slightly controllable meteor hammer, of sorts. Interesting to keep me pulled, but it moved a little erratically, in my opinion.
Overall, very interesting. A few minor, personal flaws, but very good otherwise. Looking forward to more of your work (and yes, I have played Rock and Risk, very entertaining). Keep up the good work.
aka: Sam