the intro is just sonic rpg 5 intro
Edit 2!: Well, I finally knew what the heck was wrong with the battle, I forgot to add in a code. Dang, anyway, it's done!
Edit: Woah, I didn't notice the BG in the battle disappeared, fixed. And tone down your speakers.
I managed to lower the file size, but had to limit the music. Sorry if the intro is copied from MidNightMaren's Sonic RPG eps 5, but I had a direct permission from him in a PM if it's OK and he said it's fine.
Flash Description:
It's pretty short on music, sound effects and such, but I had to limit it. And I know the Flash is short, but yeah. The battle is pretty easy cause Silvershadic's and Metal Sonic's sprite sheets are pretty small. And before I forget, there something during the battles that makes the sound effects play where I didn't place them. So yeah.
Also, I've been practicing making my own effects rather than actually search for them. One example is the red Chaos Spear at the credits, and the boom effect throughout the movie.
And if I forgot someone in the credits or something wrong in the flash, please tell me as soon as possible.
the intro is just sonic rpg 5 intro
The games alright I kinda wished you could get pass the boss. Also what's that music when your fighting metal sonic so I can look it up?
your tottlay right guys! even i cant kill metal sonic why cant the creator of the game edit this
awesome game hey i know that music in silvershadic vs metal sonic i know a game from it sonic crush or something
soramegamansonic si ves esto es porque quiero que me ayudes a derrotar a mecha sonic como lo derroto