The whole movie was tweens
Do you post anything that comes into your head?
Really, you should think your flash movies through.
Another "I was bored" production...
The whole movie was tweens
Do you post anything that comes into your head?
Really, you should think your flash movies through.
u know what would have been really funny? insted of the ending u had, how about he sees britney spears and screams out of frieght and britney tries to hunt him down? thats was y he was running? man, im full of ideas
You had a great oppurtunity to give a bigger ending to that flash because i felt that the suspence was building very well but then it just all flopped down you should have given a big scare instead of a weak laugh, good work though
could have been longer
Wish there was more to it, oh well, i cant always get what i want. -David
Um ,yeah