wtf r u thinking im 15 years old i have a 1 year old niece that can do this in a heart beat!
i made this cos i wondered how easy it woudl be to make a south park thing on flash.
only constructive reviews please.
wtf r u thinking im 15 years old i have a 1 year old niece that can do this in a heart beat!
it was alright but it needs sound and it needs to be longer.
well i you were just fooling around then ok, but you need some sound and alos i think their a little too much dark out line. especialy when their face were in shock, it look like the had major bags or something....good luck with the next one
Good Drawing but it needs sound.....
You did a good job on drawing it and everything... But it needs some sound. It is good for a first try though. Like the person below me said, it isnt really funny without sound and hearing Kyle go "OMG you killed kenny!" and Stan going "YOU BASTARDS!" But I am sure you get the point already.
kool drawings
you really need to add sound, cuz just seein' kenny get hit with an ax isn't really funny.....