Headcrab looked like a butt naked man. :P
What if Egoraptor did Half-Life? would probably be a lot better :)
This would be my first flash so hooray that it's finally done! I'm a big fan of the Awsome videos and I love the Half-Life series so I decided to make a flash starring the quiet Mr. Freeman! Also just to let everyone know that I was using the 30 day trial so sorry if somethings didn't meet your expectations. I tried my best though so hopefully enjoy!
*Update* HOORAY! I got all the audio back in sync so now the video is back to normal. I also got the preloader to work as well so double hooray!
Headcrab looked like a butt naked man. :P
at least this is
wAYYYYYYYYYYYY btter than than the other awesome life (type half life in and go tothe last page,theother half life is on there an it's terrible O_O)
And when you get up, that's what you always think. "What the hell, I just got up here, now I have to get back under?"
yea the game has a lot of those kinds of moments doesn't it? lol thanks for the review
Awsome indeed
That was the best HL parody I have ever seen
Why thank you :)
I'm going to make another one now that I'm actually getting better with flash
This is definantly not a great flash, but is good for the time you had to work on it.
lol now that I've gotten used to flash, I kill myself laughing when I say this flash took me a month to do.