very good animation, you could use sound next time.
please use common curtisy on comments or remarks i am putting this on here for a kid i know.
very good animation, you could use sound next time.
It's ok
You have some ability drawing. but the timing in this piece is almost painful. It goes by slow as molasses. You have to remember your audience, and this is the internet audience, meaning that pretty much everyone's going to have the attention span of a squirrel on a caffeine rush. Your shots last too long. Keep them just long enough for people to get the point, after that your audience will get bored by it.
On top of that, some audio would seriously help. It helps maintain interest and adds to the piece for multiple other reasons.
The characters are well drawn and aesthetically pleasing though, you should take pride in that.
no sound
made me lose my attention
Sound please.
This looks awesome but the simple visual pleasure of it wasn't much without sound. Grab some sound and grab a seat on the front page. (Just saying, this may or may not happen) Good luck! I got a good chuckle out of watching it though.