You have great potential
You have great potential
Purely experimental, 4th try at animating and 2nd try at posting here. If this makes it I'll be surprised.
Made as an assignment for Moving Image, I decided to try and post here since other art communities dislike the use of copyright music, even if it is credited. The point of the animation is to show a series that flows like music. i.e. Has repetition and differences like you would find in a song [verse chorus verse].
Please do not judge this solely on audio, but look at skill of animation (not necessarily the artwork) and storyline.
[ps] you newgrounders are to be feared...D:
You have great potential
You have great potential
Thank you 8) I'll get better!
it sounded like there could be a great story behind it was just random numbers.....not really anything to make me want to watch more. If it had a better story line that would be fine
Also the animation was really poor and didn't flow at all. it was just chopy and franky...crapy
The drawings were good they looked nice and the voice work was clear and crisp :D
if you worked on your animation skills i would love to watch a another one of you flashes :)
Yeah, 4th animation, what can ya do? You wouldn't believe how many times I got questioned about the numbers lol, its just a random sequence that is in the song, and looked interesting to animate this way. That and I didn't have much time for planning...
Yes yes I know it was crap, honestly think it would be better if I had another week rather than 2 days.
I'll practice! Thank you very much for your critique!
You have great potential I think. While I did like the audio, there was not much animation to be had. Still felt almost like a slideshow. Scene with the mirror moving was the best, very fluid part. Just take more time to elaborate on your animation and I think you might find your work on the front page. Good luck with future flashes.
Because of the assignment's guidelines it did turn out slideshow-ish, that and I only had 2 days to make it...>.> But thank you for your critique, I look forward to making more flashes! 8D
to me ,one who looks at everything as though it gives a message, this was very good. not only am I a crappy artist , but i believe one should interpret what they observe in their own way. plus what you draw shows how you view what you draw. Not a bad animation to me and I've seen a lot of them. don't stop it was good.
Thank you very much, its a relief to have viewers with open minds! :)