Ha, I wish I had English the same period as you. Great project, its gonna be better than anyone elses. Keep up the good work Bunk.
......if only he remembered what it was.
I have to say, Flash was actually a very fun program for digital creation, even as a first timer like myself.
At my high school our English class required a project that involved drawing a scene from Macbeth in any medium. I decided to make a short parody of a Scene instead using a program I'm not familiar with. This was done in the span of a long weekend, and I really hope I did a decent job with it, even though it's not very original.
If you want to see my work, you can check it out at my deviantart page located at It's mostly Digital painting with photoshop, but maybe if I get good enough with flash I'll find home with a new vector medium, or something like that.
Ha, I wish I had English the same period as you. Great project, its gonna be better than anyone elses. Keep up the good work Bunk.
Love Macbeth
My girl an I went to see this at a play and we enjoyed ourselves. This short flash was nice.
First time!
Wow, im impressed. Obviously your experience with photoshop has helped you a bit, but i mean.. seriously?
Well done.
You've given me inspiration to try and make my first submission meet the same standard.
First time? You've got talent. Not only with animation, but with artwork.
There are some good artists on here who can't animate for shit, but you seem to have what it takes to make a great flash artist.
Hell, make some things good enough and you can be a whore like egoraptor (I'm poking fun, i like him) and sell some t-shirts to make some dough.
A whore is what I aspire to be :P
Pretty funny considering I'm reading Macbeth too.
It wasn't really what I expected when I first saw this but it gave me a quick chuckle. Just Promise me you'll keep up the good work!