Reaction: 10 Hours later....
TRUE NEWGROUNDS HERO STORY: Our dear friend and beloved pillar of the newgrounds community, the one and only Cyberen, was diagnosed with breast cancer last October and has been fighting ever since. As of three nights ago, Cyberen has returned to Newgrounds! Please head on up to his profile and congratulate him for being such a trooper, and give him some loving encouragement on losing almost 50 pounds he has put on (NOT A JOKE!!!).
Cyberen doesn't think he has developed a weight problem since he began stress eating post-cancer, but his friends disagree (as do I)! Worried about Cyberen's health (as am I), and always-willing to go through grossly inappropriate lengths just to prove a point (as am I), Cyberen's pals decide to play a nasty little trick on Cyberen.
That's right kids: they trick a hungry Cyberen into eating one of his own home-baked, MASSIVE* fecal loaves as a midnight snack! And with an ingenius Rube Goldberg device, nonetheless!
These are hilarious antics you DON'T want to miss, folks!
*To get an idea of just how big Cyberen's bowel movements can get, please see "Cyberen & the Two-Flusher" ( m/portal/view/401160) and the more recent "Surf's Up, Cyberen!" ( m/portal/view/478780),
Reaction: 10 Hours later....
*steals ur profile icon and kicks sand and asbestos in ur face*
This is useless. Delete this
you eat your own poop