FUcking scary
The Picachu thing was really fucking scary *huddles in a corner*
Please, don't give me any critics 'cos I made this video only because of fun. I can make 100 times better, if I want.
Oh and I don't care if you give me a low score :D This was kinda just for practice....
FUcking scary
The Picachu thing was really fucking scary *huddles in a corner*
you guys suck, like you could do better?
please. IF anything, you should be praising orange.
(oi, i hate it when people do that caus they dont like it that much..)]
*leg cuddles orange* :3
i thought it was awesom
why do you need to practice if you have the skill to make something 100 times better? you should be able to at least make a good looking turd. but no, i think this is the best you can do, isnt it?
See my previous responses.
Well, here you go.
Out of the other 'for practice' flashes I've seen, this is a little better I spose.