that was really funny
This is a better version of Yoshi's Chocolate. Maybe a little longer than the last one :D No sound in some parts, but it would've screwed up the movie anyway :P Oh and I forgot to give D-SuN credit for his sprites aarrghhh!! >:(
that was really funny
thank ya! :D
Neither good nor bad
The quality of the speed I leave myself in doubt if podrias to try 24 ftg since this type of speed manages to confuse in flash
epic :3
remember everyone.. do not eat chocolate before checking what flavorz in it xD
he choked on the chocolate because he didn't CHEW!!!
not bad. its ok
it was short.the silence couldve used sfx and NO it wouldnt screw it up. a woap m a gulp is all it needed
maybe you're right, usually my blank wav file looping in the frames would've done something, but it's too late now, no possibility of it being changed at all.