Lol, that's cool.
well i worked quite a while on this piece of work (actually it only took me 5 days lol) in my digital arts class. I showed this little movie to my teacher and he seemed to enjoy i even heard him laugh, which was not really common when it came to a little cartoon violence.
I was working on another project and that's when i got a major muse block and couldn't finish it. that's when i thought up the idea for this cartoon. personally they're my wishes that this should happen to little jerkoffs who don't respect nature as it should be respected. i'm not a hippy or anything but. what has plants ever done to us?
i hope to submit more flash later on and begin a little project that i've been planning for quite a while.
for those who like this flash and maybe even favorite it, i thank you kindly and for those who don't think as highly i promise to submit more quality flash animations as for now this is my first. please enjoy :
Lol, that's cool.
that was hillarious! i loved the part kicked the crap outa the guy-if it had sound effects then, THEN it would be perfect. other than that it was great!!
well i plan on putting sound effects later on. i'm surprised anyone even liked it i thought it would get horribly booed at.
Dude this so would have been 5/5 if it had sound :'(
well at least i got some good feedback. i plan on putting sound and perhaps a replay button :) i'll be posting alot better flash so please stay tuned :3
Very well done. You have a very vivid talent.
thanks. i feel like crap compared to what the others on this site post.
I like it.
I know I'm stating the obvious, but it'd be a lot better with sound. Maybe extend a little on the story of it, or just draw out the animation somewhat. Your art is pretty simple, which is actually one of my favourite things about it and you seem to have a decent sense of humour so honestly, in my opinion - I think with some work you can pull off some pretty epic stuff. ;) I'll be keeping an eye on you. Thanks for the entertainment.
thanks for the good review. i thought nobody would even care to look at it. and i have pulled off some pretty epic things before, it's just nowadays my resources are to a little and i need to get them together. and i can draw a lot better than this to. this was a school project that needed to be done in 2 weeks so i rushed it and sound was hard to find