your work is so amazing and dark and just most exselnt
hello everybody,
I wanted to do another battle movie but I wanted it to be a little deeper then my last fight film. A little bit more then just death and killing. This film is about what happens when a simple chess match turns into a savage battle field.
hope you enjoy
your work is so amazing and dark and just most exselnt
I love your work
and this is no exception. You really have a talent for taking the things that people come across everyday and looking deeper, sometimes in a slightly disturbing way that not everyone gets but I still give you props for trying. Now to watch bloodshot (the only one I haven't seen so far).
Man, it's a good idea! Life is a chess game, each humanhas it's own war in his mind! Don't listen to him, all things are fine! 5/5, 10/10! You really deserve that!
Good, but a little too short.
The film was heaving on tweening, which isn't a bad thing if the tweens are done well. These are. The artwork's good, though I'd say you still need a bit of work if you intend your figures to look life-like.
The music fit the scene very well, and I loved the basic comparison between warfare and chess.