not bad
So your drawing skills are like [|||||__] there. Right? Not Great, but not bad for someone who's just starting. But your animation is like [|____] there. There was a huge lack of it. Animation is why people use flash instead of FireWorks and Photoshop. Honestly, I know it sucks a lot, but if you want to get better, I just repeatedly go in, and just draw and draw and draw, but not still images, I would start with key frames, the main poses and movement of the actions, and just go back, and fill in all the frames that should go in the middle. And just keep filling in till it looks more fluid. Then do it again. And again. And again. If you want to get good at almost anything, practice is key. Mind Numbing Repetitive Practice. That, and I would try to clean up your artwork a little in the process :X