Didn't play.
You people really need to preview these things with Ctrl-Enter before you submit.
ok the original text it's in spanish so probably you shouldn't get some things
here ill traduce you some of the things i didn't traduce
the thing from the top at the end: in memory of eaton murillo that got squashed by one of his friends
and the last song name was: when you grow up
the reason i made this was to laugh from a friend at school that was reeeeaaaally tiny (he wears kids clothes) and after this video he didn't talked to me like for a month xD.
please don't be really bad with me this is my first flash submission
plz someone tell me how to change the file because i removed the preloader and chaged it with the newgrounds one and i can't change the file, plz someone tell how to change files.
Didn't play.
You people really need to preview these things with Ctrl-Enter before you submit.
hey dude i tried to put the newgrounds preloader but i can't change the file, if you have any problems just wait, the files is 7mb long
play button doesn't work
thats it... I couldn't see anything
Better luck next time.
No funciona el boton de play
no pude ver nada, quisiera en realidad ver el trabajo de mis camaradas mexicanos o latinos, no me lo tomes a mal pero te sugiero chekes los tutoriales que hay aqui en newgrounds, checa en las colecciones.
esperate un poco por si algo no funciona
wait a moment if something doesn't work