Needs a lot of work.
Animation/Graphics - Things weren't done very well here at all. The pictures, as it seems you have used pictures and not sprites, are of bad quality. Next time make sprites or just simple find a sprite sheet of madness somewhere online. I think that the picture was kind of too zoomed out during the regular fight too. I do like how you zoomed in during a part of the fight, but the quality of the picture was twice as bad when you did zoom in. The animation itself was smooth now and then, but for the most part it really needed to be worked on. Kind of choppy and not very smooth at all.
Story/Content - Why make this? It's exactly like 1,000 other submissions on this site. I understand if you are just practicing, but there isn't any reason to submit this unless you want to see how much you have improved since you have started making flash or something like that. That being said the submission was too short. This is a two part submission and even if you put the two parts together it is still way to short. Perhaps you should put together about 10 episodes or maybe even more before submitting them. And their really isn't any story at all. Perhaps actually adding one instead of the generic Madness fight would set your flash apart from the other thousands of Madness submissions on this site.
Audio - The audio wasn't timed well at all. It could have used better timing and probably the music too. A nice Madness theme song in the background wouldn't hurt or anything. Naturally with a longer flash you would need more audio and more music so in the future this section of your flash could be a little bit better, but only if you sync it much better.
Overall - The animation/graphics are pretty bad and need work on, their needs to be something that sets it apart from the other thousands of Madness movies, and the audio needs to be worked on to make it better.
Good luck on any upcoming flash submissions.