Man this is amazing!" XD
I like it to much!" Great Work Dude!" XD
Again, We know that our videos on new grounds look like shit. This is because of the small file size limit new grounds gives us.. However they look WAYYYYYY better on our website,
... We still post on new grounds however because we like this community, the people here are honest without being abusive and we like that. So please, limit yourself to commenting on content, seen how new grounds limit our file size,.. if there was a larger file upload, our stuff would look way better... Thank you all New Grounds Community, and enjoy......... We're also down for any tips and constructive Criticism.
Man this is amazing!" XD
I like it to much!" Great Work Dude!" XD
always glad to put a smile on someones face.... Thanks so much for the feedback.
thumbs up for kirbit
the voices were good and the animation quality pretty high but like justsome I also believe you need just a bit more detail then you will be awesome at this
Thank you, we'll work on that...
that was funny, that was really good just work on the animation a little, but all together a funny flash
thanks for the feedback, and we're new at this, so we'll work more on that animateing.
It's not bad but ...
It can use some improvements, first off, the scenes are too long/slow. You can counter this by playing dialog from different angles, have something happening in the background ... etc. The filesize thing is too bad, but you might want to consider making your window larger anyways, and divide the submissions up in parts. You can also try animating expressions while communicating, like having the head move, shoulders shrug instead of just the mouth while talking.
This was really good feedback. We'll keep that in mind on future projects, and we totally see what your talking about. Thanks so much..... and By the way... Awesome name.
LOL x jesus
that was damn funny. Good jorb. It's a few graphics away from being front page material. Kudos.
rockon, thanks for the support.