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Happy new year to NG

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Author Comments

Click to make fire works

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Its okay, i guess

It was fun and i'd say its more of a game than a movie but good job and happy new yeah to you aswell.

Happy New Year!

Like the other reviewer, I did notice some slowdown, but I'm glad I tried out the toy. I guess I'm in a festive mood. Thank you kindly.

Neat but not well thought out

I have a quadcore computer with 8gs of ram and I easily bogged it down with your toy. You need to limit the allowable explosions because there is a limit. This has a tendency to piss off the user. In the future test how many it takes to keep it safe and create a counter that increments as you put in a firework and decrements when a fire work disappears this will keep our computers from going crazy.

Credits & Info

4.37 / 5.00

Jan 1, 2009
12:43 PM EST