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The Brass Seal: Ep 1D

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The Brass Seal is a privately run, government agency dedicated to fighting crime, this branch being in Detroit, Michigan. Episode 4 takes place in the bank after a foiled robbery, there are now more bad guys on their way in to finish the job. If you are unfamiliar with the characters and have some time to kill you can check out the previous episodes. Beware though, the audio and drawing quality aren't as nice as this one.


EDIT: Hey, the Brass Seal is on the Front Page again, HOLLA. To anybody who said I'd never be famous...well, you're still right...FOR NOW. Thanks a bunch.

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Not my bag

I didn't really care for it. I thought it was interesting enough to finish watching though. The characters weren't very likable in my opinion, but I'm just not too into "cheesey" stuff. Still, you did a pretty good job as a whole.

Well Done, but a little too Much eh?

The animation was slick as far as slapstick comedy goes. The art was interesting and humorous, the voice acting isn't half bad. My corny one liner radar went off harshly, so try to tone it down just a hair.

I give full props, good series, great characters. How's about thinking of more and more? I'd love to see these result in a series. Good job my friend, good job.

I see

you have no idea how much that guy pisses me off ... that or I'm simply losing it, since I started beating up my couch for not being comfortable enough .. no more pills for me.
yeah I find it funny. and thats what matters, if it was made by a huge animation company I would give it a "review" but this shits just a comment. I mean its just some flash made by a goofy fucking kid I don't know why people have been preaching about originality, like how original is that.
ok heres your 15.

Cool, but

The voice acting was a bit off. when it started i was like "ok"? Half way threw it got better. Animation it grate! you did good just work on the voices.

punbeard81 responds:

Voices don't line up or the acting blows? I've had some issues with lag when viewed off the net. If you hate the guy with the ray ban glasses, or the dork with the side burns holding the magnum, that's my bad. After that, all my actors work for free so they all act better than what I pay them.


Well.. you can draw i can tell you this..

backgrounds arent "super" but their OK..

i got a little bored from the bank you could make more places or spots,

good job and good voice action :)

punbeard81 responds:

Well, you sir...Are exactly damn right. I'm just lazy is all. I'd rather have hand painted or a different look to them, but I just don't have the time to commit to drawing them super good, and animating well. I can't get the blending and detail I want with vector tools so I cut corners. Thank you for the honesty.

Credits & Info

4.67 / 5.00

Dec 31, 2008
1:31 AM EST