THis is my big project :
+400 frames
Etc ...
29/12/2008 : EDIT ! :-Add end button for replay !
30/12/2008: Flash ! I work in a new game : windows VISHIT !
very bad lol
i really hope you made this when you were 14.
This was made in 2008? I seriously through this was made in like 2000 or something, this is unbelievably crappy. If this is your big project, then you should just give up and don't make crap like this again. Is this best you can come up with? I can summarize all your humor in one sentence right here: windows is so buggy and slow, linux is better, omfg I'm so funny! And whats up with this linux account in windows, are you so dumb you expect linux, when you start windows?
ahh O_O