Audio sounds crappy
But still pretty god damn hilarious!
Made it, uploaded it, hope you like it ;) Not much to say.
Audio sounds crappy
But still pretty god damn hilarious!
Hah, Great.
I thouhgt it was gonna be totally the opposite. Thank you.
Made me smile. A lil.
Your rating of 10 made me smile. A lot. And I broke my cheekbones :(
that made me happy, that is all I need to say.
And say'd you did.
awesome on a bun
great segway playing off serious contemplation then changing things up trance, hamburgers and pepsi:) freakin genius!
nicely worded
Of course! Hambergers!
At first this kinda made me stop and think. Then it shoved "merchandise" in my face. Almost like a commercial. Ha Ha Ha.... nice flash.
hamburgers! Of course! :D