Been So Long...
Mariomeister here!
This episode is one of few which I didn't rush to finish! Fancy that! But I did want to fit one more episode into this lovely year of 2008! And as always, the spacebar is used to skip text...
I think I managed to fix the hyperlink bugs to MARIOMEISTER STUDIOS, but I'm not sure, so there's only one way to find out.
Anyway, enjoy the movie!
So keep your finger on the spacebar, your other hand close to the mouse, and sit back, relax, and enjoy the 6th episode of Mario Bros. X!
Been So Long...
I say 9/10 because I don't think this episode was very long and i think you rushed this one although you say you didn't and when is the next episode coming out????
hmm... pretty good
BUT! ( no offence to the next thing im gonna say ) GIVE US THE FREAKIN NEXT EPISODE!!!!
I'm getting there. I'm so good at deleting them, it's scary!
i liked it
i liked it but the thing that runied it for me was the text you said you can skip it with the space bar but sometimes it works sometimes it doesn,t anny way a nine caus of that
Sorry. It worked for me, and everyone I tested it on. Maybe your net went weird? Yay for doing this on my Wii!
grrrrrr cliffhanger!!!!
i hate cliffhangers
but other than that the series has been good so far and i hope for you to finish the next one very quickly