hey its cool try to include characters like zero x or megaman it will make the movie coller and try to add an rpg battle
(>^_^)>it's short yes but episode 1 will be way longer and just because i leave it with a cliff hanger gives you no right to give me a lower score hope you like it <(^_^<)
hey its cool try to include characters like zero x or megaman it will make the movie coller and try to add an rpg battle
this is tight
i can tell you have true potentail but try speeding up the movie clips
ok thanks
W00t W00t its tight
pure awesome. thats all i can say
Very slow.
Try to make the moveclips faster, and the tweens too.
ok well thanks for the tip my next flash will be way better if you see it hope you enjoy
It *might* make it into the portal as it is
The animation is a bit primitive and the font is just too darn tiny for these old eyes of mine. When you do the complete movie, you might want to attend to these things. But even if nothing with the animation itself changes, if you make the font bigger, I'll be happy.
ok thanks for the tip