10/10 5/5
what a great way to tell the story of tsstudios. that fat fuck! ohhh... good times. no one knows how to whore away attention than him. good work.
TSStudios = shit.
10/10 5/5
what a great way to tell the story of tsstudios. that fat fuck! ohhh... good times. no one knows how to whore away attention than him. good work.
That wasn't even funny. Most of the shit you put in there wasn't even true. first of all, my name isn't DANIEL, second, When did I make a threat? third, when did I lie about going to a forgien country?4th, when did I lie about money? 5th, leave me alone. your a stalker.
1. Oh wow, Danny Daniel big difference. Same base name.
2. What threat?
3 and 4.The movie never talked about you lyring about going to a foreign country or getting lots of money -- what it meant was that you were BRAGGING about it.
5. No, you're too damn stupid to be left alone. Dependent fucker complaining about everything...
pretty funny dude..i think...