Well, the effort was in there...and the joke can be better...keep it up!
This short animation is just about pranking McDonalds, because it's fun. This is not going to be the animation that wins best movie on Newgrounds, it's just a short animation, and please give me a break, it's my first time at animation and using voices. Please leave it on Newgrounds. I want to have at least one movie here. Thanks!
Note: At the end, it says pizza because he secretly ordered pizza with his burger!
Well, the effort was in there...and the joke can be better...keep it up!
this was really bad. the graphics sucked and it wasnt funny at all.
Good try not bad but not good!
Animation 3/10 His head went up... then down
Story 4/10 went on for to long kind of funny...
sound 2/10 Hurt my ears the MD guy sounded like the caller lol
Music 2/10 Add some try this: n/136013
Add a play button code:
on (release) {
Use the same code for a replay button that should work. Get a new microphone
and add some of that stuff try adding a back ground. Ant WTF is up with the pizza.
Overall: 3/10
I am rating ten because:
Please leave it on Newgrounds.
I hate getting blamed i don't think this should get blamed so i will protect it i is not that good but...add what i said to a it can be better! Keep up the good work.
well the animation definately need to be improved..alot...and i couldnt really understand what was happening half the time cause i ouldnt hear what he was saying..but good attempt dude
didnt see the ending. By the way zip code 12345 is in Schenady New York.