i giggled a bit, could be better
I am currently working on my first animation and i hope you like the trailer even though its really short ...
i giggled a bit, could be better
that actually made me sick
this is just shit
make it longer add a story and learn to animate
About your entry
You should probably shorten your entrance with the pyramid that turns into a triforce. I almost lost interest with it. The zombie flick actually looked funny (ha ha not odd). Not sure if you wanted funny or serious but funny is how I took it.
thanks i will work on that and yeh its comedy...
So horrible that I think it gave me cancer.
The Sonis intro was a terrible barf of poorly done shape tweens, and the actual "trailer" was nothing more than some zombies walking around and one person shooting what looks like a gray man having a seizure. Protip: Try working on flashes for more than 2 hours.