this could have been good if you polished it a bit more but really it's just not good. keep trying though.
Ok so this my second try at putting something in here(the first try failed coz i didn't have preloader) so please cut me some slack TT.TT
It took ages to do
this could have been good if you polished it a bit more but really it's just not good. keep trying though.
The next one i do will be better ^^;
I think your definition of "ages," is not accurate. I don't think this took you longer than 8 hours, and I would not believe you if you said that it did. Good second attempt and everything, but when you start getting better, you'll realize that animations can take two, three weeks, or even longer. NIce cat, though.
It sorta took ages(i did procrastinate) also I'm not that great at flash D:
Nice lazar, man. Wasn't expecting to see a YouTube fad on Newgrounds. But, im new here so I'm sure it's happened before.
Thanx :D
if you polish a turd
its still a turd,, but your turd is extra shiny. i like this, i dont know why. i think its the waffle song. your movie sucks asscunt (or asstwat if your jewish) in the best kind of way.......fuckin steel reserve.....
Thanx at least they kept