that totally made Romeo and Juliet not boring.
where were oyu in my class D:
i hated reading romeo and juliet.
but about the vid. Great job. Voices were weird but still. great job
I had to do this for an english assignment in school, sprites from spriters rescource, background from BG HQ
(Halo sprites recolored vesrions of spikey spriters)
that totally made Romeo and Juliet not boring.
where were oyu in my class D:
i hated reading romeo and juliet.
but about the vid. Great job. Voices were weird but still. great job
I may very well have been in you class ^^
the halo guys I think can be found on spriters resource under spikey spriter
or just google 'halo sprites'
You had a good idea going...
But the voices weren't very good, no offence or anything. You had a good idea though and you followed fairly a modern version of the Romeo and Juliet text, and I loved the guy biting his thumb. What were those Halo guys used in by the way? And for Hidole555, Act 1 never had a fight scene of Sampson or Gregory(?) jumping around yelling "GET SOME". Romeo and Juliet never had anyone yelling that. The words "get some" probably didn't exist then.
As I told someone else...By the time I was actually able to start up on this, we were running out of time....So I had to rush a bit...
Lack of fight scene = fail. At least try to do some fighting, like have the guy with the giant machine gun just spaz out and yell "GET SUM BITCHES!!!!" and shoot everything in sight.
I really wanted to put a fight scene in there, don't get me wrong, I just ran outta time on the project...I may make a newgrounds only release for it with one in there
PS: watch Sammy (allen walker sprite) really closely at certain lines, i put a few subliminal messages in there
if this is an english project
learn to spell its juliet not juiet
whoops, lol imma fix that
it was good
like the little halo guys LOL!
if ya want i'll send you the link for'em ^^