All the people i know in retail say the same thing.
For some people, Hell is pushing a boulder up a hill for eternity. For a few more of us, it's listening to the same music every minute for eight hours a day over the course of two months.
Created for Newgrounds' Holiday contest, and also because something needs to be done about those barking dogs.... REALLY.
24 fps
Edit: Thank you for voting me into the Christmas 2008 Collection!!! You guys rock!
All the people i know in retail say the same thing.
I feel ya man
both those damn dogs and that cat jingle have got to die. I have worked in retail for nearly 9 years and have suffered too thru that endless hell we call christmas. this animation does show how it is. you smile try and be cheerful but the more you are forced to listen to that god forsaken crap the more you lose the holiday cheer. personally I find jack daniels and some metal after a long day really helps with the cheer. love the flash man gotta give it top scores of 5 and 10. may god have mercy on you and fry the radio at work.
hmmm somethings missing
it was great but nothing really happened though
he just sat there while the radio (which could be made im to an MC and played back making it more simple) moved and the calander changed
but it definately wins the funny vote
Good, but one issue...
The ending didn't feel like it was done correctly. I would've liked to see one last scene with the speaker in pieces on the ground (assuming that's what he shot at; for all we know he could have turned around and blown his own brains out instead). As it is, it lacks closure.
I had originally planned to animate the speaker exploding, but thought it might have been overkill since the whole thing was building up the speaker-hate, and leading up to the ending I chose... I thought it would be more fun to see the Santatron fire off into the night sky.
My father's input was to shoot the speaker and have a bunch of tiny dogs spill out onto the floor and run away. But that would have just taken it into a whole other direction.
It was alright.
I see where you are coming from, the SAME music every day.
The scenes could have been shorter, they just were a bit too long :P
Colour would have been nice.
The animation it's self. . . when it happened was good.
I think 4/5
Good work.
Oh, and Happy Holidays ^_^
Constructive criticism is always appreciated! Thank you for the review! I have reasons for doing everything you didn't like.
-The scenes were supposed to be long, that was to reflect the length of the day and the insane amount of time that we in retail have to listen to this music. It really is a form of torture. I know it hardly compares to retail, but google:"torture music"
-There was supposed to be a lack of color until the Santatron showed up.
-The lack of animation stemmed from the required quiet 'acceptance' of the situation...
Don't worry, if I get to finish my second submission, you'll get plenty of action!
Thank you again for the review!