belega timinto *^-^*
bonega por Esperanto !
Greetings to all NewGround Fans, I like to share another film I work on in class for Intro to 3D animation. And what we have to do for our final is to come up with a theme of our choosen, so this is my chance to show you what one of my projects is going to be about. Also coming this month is my second Episode of Night Crawlers Enter The Plague, It's taking a bit longer to work out the animatic but it's worth it. Enjoy this small intro. And sorry I don't know the music artist at the end, if you know please message me the artist and I will add it for credit.
belega timinto *^-^*
bonega por Esperanto !
It reminded me of the FPS scene in doom. It was really cool. Also, Degoten is a douche. And a jealous one at that.
Thanks for the comment. Glad you guys like it.
I'm pretty sure this isn't Flash.
Very nice
It was great, it had no story line but as you said it is just an intro. Only critisism i have about it really is allot of the terrain repeated itself not sure if you can fix that but goodluck with it. Once again great work. I Certainly could not have done better.
That was good I was on the edge of my seat.
It had a Turok 64 feel to it. The sound also was remeniscient of it.
I cant wait for the real deal to come out.