Lol, that damned Kefka, still at it!
I really liked this flash, it takes me back through my roots of Final Fantasy, ah the memories with Final Fantasy 3 (6 in Japan), great game, I hardly remember the story though, did you make this up or did Kefka really lose a family, thus driving him mad?
The classic sprites never get old, when I consume too much next-gen these days, it always feels good to go back to classic sprites, whether it be an old video game or new flashes alike, overflow of memory lane is never a bad thing.
I've noticed numerous Final Fantasy submissions starring Kefka, seems hes still quite the popular FF villian these days, so much that I'm curious what he will be meddling with next, in the next FF submission, oh and thanks for adding his laugh to the flash, you cannot have Kefka without that diabolical laugh of his. Interesting to see him for the first time ever throw down his cloak and go fist fighting, he is quite the combat expert, dancing around like a mad boxer, that was insane, HAHAHA. This has proved he is much more than a cowardly magic user, people should be careful what they wish for when they dare Kefka to not use magic, the fools!
You really did his character well, the sheer evil of killing that ex soldier's brother, and clearly Kefka knows the soldier is mad about that, but as all sick twisted villians, just to be a dick, Kefka says its the mess thats the problem and sends the body to another dimension, I loved that, just how Kefka would act. Great touch when he blew the brother's body up and pieces of him went everywhere, plus the heart sliding down the screen, nice touch. And kudos to the Sub-zero-like fatality where he finishes off the last guard, holding him in the air in body slam position, freezes his entire body then shatters it. The first guard kill was quite gruesome too..just love it!
A few spelling and grammar errors may have tarnished the story for me a little, but other than that the mini story was good, and the graphics were great, despite them being sprites, I love the sprites, I love when artists like you put sprites to great use! In my opinion when sprites are used to quality levels such as this, to me, despite not being original with sprites, is better to me, than someone drawing characters and having them kill each other, yes alot of work , probably more, is put into drawing actual characters to do that, but I just find being creative with sprites being way more fun and entertaining, thanks. And good work keeping true to the Final Fantasy 3 universe by keeping Kefka in FF3 backgrounds, along with FF3 characters, and yes I noticed you had a FF7 tune going in there, and a FF10 tune, great stuff, nothing wrong with that, maybe in your next submission add a little more FF3 tune, if the flash is about FF3.
Awesome flash, very creative with sprites, very gory, and a good portion is story driven, despite the season it deserves a front page recognition, no matter what trophy or award it gets, just as long as its on front page, thanks for making this.
10/10 Stars.
5/5 Vote Panel.
xVegetAx, NG Portal Lieutenant.