Pretty Unexpected
Keep it up, good interpretation.
I saw that post by Tom Fulp talking about the contest with Turkey and the Rapture, so I whipped this baby out. And here it is. Happy Thanksgiving. (And for you that don't know, the Rapture is the day Jesus comes and sends the people to heaven or... well, you know... Hell.)
Have a fun.
Pretty Unexpected
Keep it up, good interpretation.
Liked it
It was a bit of comedy for a good chuckle, other than that, it was well done, Keep up the good work. It doesn't really matter what you believe in, everyone can understand and get a chuckle out of this.
what a twist
lol, nice...but it could use a bit of animation work.
Short and sweet! It was pretty smooth lookin' and the voice acting wasn't so bad actually. When you see Jesus as a turkey it just completes the flash, funny as. The peoples reaction was great! WELCOME TO HELL, haha, brilliant!