total rip off of Simpsons!
Dude...look at the title...flanders was poorly drawn and that you need to get a new mic -_-;;; i got bored rather easily...good try though, keep it up^^
The end for Homer J. Simpson??? =O
total rip off of Simpsons!
Dude...look at the title...flanders was poorly drawn and that you need to get a new mic -_-;;; i got bored rather easily...good try though, keep it up^^
Didn't make it passed the "Arse shot." I got bored quickly
Some parts were good
I thought the scene where Homer actually gets killed was good (the first scene), whilst in some parts poorly drawn, and could use improvement.
As for the rest of it, it didn't fit into the story at all, had poor voice acting and wasn't that good in general.
Theres a lot you could improve on, but so far so good.
Hm, it's okay.
Good animation, yes. But the sound quality was... well, I didn't find it so appealing. I actually watched the cartoon without sound and felt it was funnier like that, imagining what they would say instead of the low-quality sound in place.
damn.... i knew i should of got a better microphone :\