its abit slow, but i still like it, loved playing this on snes i think thats the system, but anyways great job, it does need some sound though maybe even adding some music on this would be my suggestion for improving on this one
This version doesn't have the opponents firing at you, but you get the picture. What do you think so faR?
its abit slow, but i still like it, loved playing this on snes i think thats the system, but anyways great job, it does need some sound though maybe even adding some music on this would be my suggestion for improving on this one
The graphics look very close to the original video game. One of the biggest issues is that it's too slow. If you add more weapons, sound effects, and increase the speed the game would improve.
one of the better shmups of the time, but lacks the originality of early NG and is definitely not R-Type
Lacking in the sound department, but otherwise a solid, spaceship side scrolling game. There were some minor issues, like not really being shot at, or having lives yet, on top of the score not displaying properly, but none of that gets in the way of having a little fun here. I see quite a bit of potential from something like this.
like 1Dil said..."add sound, more weapons, faster gameplay, keep the infinite lives on!, more levels" i use to love this game... thanx 4 da memories!!!