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naruto sprite fight pt1

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this is my first time animating sprites, took me 3 days to get used to... i know this one sucks but review it so i can make the next one better...

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Its not bad, but it is pretty short. The animation is nice, but whats the point when they did like only 5 attacks? Anyway, if you work on it, it could be good. I love sprite movies, but I think other people ( a lot of people) don't like random sprite fights. So, since your pretty good at animating, if you can, please give it a plot and a story.

What do you mean it 'sucks'

You know I have seen CONSIDERABLY worse than this. The title of the flash is 'sprite fight' and what did you do, you gave us a fight involving sprites. There is nothing to be ashamed of here. People may say that this is poor because of its length and this big pause in the middle BUT after a while of doing these animations that can be easily rectified. The actual fighting was fast and fluid. Getting these two factors right is half the battle. In the sequel make the length longer and try some fighting in the air. Im not the person you want for inspiration but someone like Alvin Earthworm is the guy to look at for help. Anyway just iron out these bugs and I can sense a very good flash coming


all that needs to be done for the next one is to make it much longer and add more action, good job though.

too short

way too short to be only a first part, but i dont want to make it as much as so there would be a second without a first.

Credits & Info

4.40 / 5.00

Nov 25, 2008
3:51 PM EST