Ur gonna fail ur science project.
did u spend 10 mins on this? Did u take an animation class at all (just wondering)
This is my science fair project! :D please don't blam it... well at least for a little while.... like a month! :) thanx! DON"T RATE! BETTER YET DON"T WATCH!!!
Ur gonna fail ur science project.
did u spend 10 mins on this? Did u take an animation class at all (just wondering)
First of all it is a science project. NOT i repeat NOT!!! an art project. Do I have to spell this out for you? (just wondering) Furthermore i did not take an animation class and i did not spend 10min on this. Did you stop and think about what the hell kind of review you were giving? UGH! I DID THIS LAST SECOND! I PUT OFF TIL THE VERY END! I PUT VERY LITTLE EFFORT INTO IT AT ALL YOU OVER CRITICAL DIP-SHIT! get F#@#3@! you sonic loving faggot!
what was
what is this?
pretty good
well considering the fact that u drew every frame
smiley face.
not that good animation. the music is O K. it fits in with snowball niceley.
You drew 269 frames by hand.
Needless to say, that's impressive. Go aim for turd of the week or something, this deserves more.
no shit! i wasn't aiming for anything. "This deserves more"? whats that supposed to mean?