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OoT 10th Anniversary

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I finished this just a few hours ago and posted it on my dA account but thought as well could add it here =). It's my little tribute to the 10th Anniversary of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, game that after so many years it's still cherished as one of the best games ever ^^

I recorded both the harp and ocarina tracks. The ocarina performed with a STL 12 hole tenor (alto C), with all the fingerings accurate to my playing (just mirrored for Link's ocarina); the harp (lyre) with my Yamaha Synthesizer.

Hope you enjoy ^^

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Pretty detailed for a 2008 animation, it doesn't hurt either that Ocarina Of Time is one of my favorite game.


That was really good!!!! WOW!!! Loved the animation and art! You have inspired me to turn my fanfiction into a Flash movie!

I CANT FIND IT!!! great flash though

brilliant stuff, but you made me want to play it now and i lost one of my N64 cables
one of my all time favs
great flash keep it up
will find it eventually lol


"You are so good at drawing,...you should make a zelda hentai!"

ahhh memories of loz o o t

i still like that loz the most even after all the time that has past since it came out. gr8 job on this 5/5 9/10!

Credits & Info

4.36 / 5.00

Nov 22, 2008
3:39 AM EST
  • Daily 4th Place November 23, 2008