it's the good stupid!
seriously, in my opinion, the graphics really helped the humor...the ending was rather unexpected and i hope you make more videos...
2 days worth of animation; an Argos' employee's wise words of wisdom on how to get a girl. Basically, he's just trying to wind up his friend. Hope you enjoy it, its also very short
it's the good stupid!
seriously, in my opinion, the graphics really helped the humor...the ending was rather unexpected and i hope you make more videos...
this was stupid... why the hell can't i stop laughing??
It made me laugh at the end. I like how the jokes were drawn out for a good length, they werent just skimmed across, and they werent drawn out until the idea was old. Nice joke, just work on the art and animation next time c:.
"That's a beautiful dress...can I talk you out of it?"
"If I said you had a beautiful body...would you hold it against me?"
"Are you free tonight...or will it cost me?"
Like cold fusion, it always sounds better in theory and on paper. I thought traps were immune to playa-isms?
holy crap!!!
this was fucking hilarious!
i really liked the random idea of getting a girl who turns out to be a man in an explaination of the universal idea of getting girls XD
(i want to "great job" the FUCK out of this, but.... its getting a little old)