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Runescape Wars

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Ok, i am back with yet another entry. This is a little runescape spoof. It is about 1 minute long, so don't let the size fool you. Please comment on this movie.

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Please dun make a sequel...

It's not that good... at all...


*sigh* This wasn't worth my time. There wasn't any sound, no animation at all, graphics that look like they were done in MS Paint, you can't draw, Runescape is a terrible game, and there was no concept, and it was unfunny. How the hell this passed judgement is beyond me, but if you want a single person besides a RS fanboy to enjoy this, improve on everything I listed above.

Um, no?

..... Let me guess.
You drew your shitty sprites on paint, made a compilation of pictures in windows movie maker with an fps JUST high enough to be called a 'movie' rather than a slideshow, and then converted the avi to a swf with some shitty converter?

Because if you DID do this in flash, that's really pathetic. Everything was pixelated, so i doubt you made use of flash's vector graphics, and what was the framerate, 2?

This was horrible, and i'm ashamed that newgrounds keeps letting this stuff pass.
There's too much garbage on the portal, the idiots here need to stop 5'ing everything.

iamrunegecko responds:

.... wow, i made this in flash... frame rate is 12... i suck at making graphics... so, go away..


Nobody wants to hear anything about runescape... the animation could be done on powerpoint and lastly, you're name is spelled wrong.

iamrunegecko responds:


Wow wtf?

dis is one of the worst flash animations i have ever seen.

Credits & Info

1.40 / 5.00

Nov 17, 2008
6:23 PM EST