So Awesome!!!!!!!!
keep up the good work!
My first submission, and its a Phoenix Wrong. All is Wright with world. (Hahaha <.<; )
Here's the credits:
'Law and Order sound".
"Hanamaru Sentation".
"Caramell Dansen" (Speedycake).
"Taxes" - Happy Gilmour.
"Stalker Girl" - Arrogent worms.
"Smell" - Anchorman.
"Offer" - The Godfather.
"Teenagers" - My Chemical Romance.
"Look good" - M.I.B.
"T-Rex" - Jurrasic Park.
"Rocket man" - Family guy.
"Sassafrass" - Tenacious D.
"Best of You" - Foo Fighters.
"Hump" - Young Frankenstein.
"Crazy" - V for Vendetta.
"Sorry Dave" - 2001: Space Odyssey
Plus Phoenix Wright Sounds.
Video in the intro is from the AMV: atch/sm2501420
Please suggest this for the Phoenix Wrong Collection...
Enjoy ^^
(Edit: Ok, it should be fixed now <.<; if there is still something wrong and where let me know...)
So Awesome!!!!!!!!
keep up the good work!
That was seriously
FUNNY AS HELL!!! man, I loved every minute of it. Too bad you coudn't do the bunny ear dance.
The sync is off.
The timing for each piece is fine until a certain point, then it all stutters or just stops. You might want to look into that.
Other than that, the video quality is a bit pixellated (it looks like you used some kind of codec to convert this from another filetype and it wasn't too successful), the humor content is mediocre (at least in my opinion) and I noticed a watermark in the lower-left-hand corner. Are you trying to fend off Ebaum's-style thieves or what?
If this is your first try, not too bad. Please do better next time, if there ever is one.
Gotta love all the caramelldansen skits! The Godfather one was pretty awesome too! Great job, but try to fix the lip sync and it'll be golden.
pretty funny.
would be a bit better if it was synched right, but nicely done ^^