First of all, ferrets are little bitty itty bitty fuzzy wuzzy MUSTELA PUTORIUS FURO that REALLY hate baths. And they do not eat chickins if you give them damn food and tickle their tummies and give them all the love and attention their little selves can handle. And they poop a lot. They are a very high maintenence pet, only to be handled by PROFESSIONALS, not little boys who may play too roughly with a little ferret. I know this because I HAVE A FERRET, and I am careful not to hurt it and treat my precious Daenerys with utmost love. No apocalypse could seperate my precious little fuzzy wuzzy mustela putorius furo from me. A little boy who put his fish in a tank and did nothing is NOT RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH FOR A FERRET. Ferrets are professional pets that are escape artists, poopers, naughty, smart little things that catch you with your guard down and cause trouble with you chasing them all over the place. This was a horribly animated movie with bad sound, repetition, a dragging plot, and it scorned fish (not that I care about the stupid fillet) and ferret alike. Shame on you and BLAM THIS PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!