Awesome! Perfect Animation, Cool effects, sprites.
My 10/10, 5/5 goes to this! :D
Little Fighter 2 - Davis's War
Awesome! Perfect Animation, Cool effects, sprites.
My 10/10, 5/5 goes to this! :D
Good job! But still, it have no story or point. just fighting...
I have a great story! but i have problems with animations...
will you help me?
sent me a private message if you are intrested!
This COOL!!! Perfect animation, waiting news work. Nice work
Pretty good and cool...
Good use of effects and screen movements.
Just I wouldn't have thought Davis would survive that much in the end :P
@Vashie: I can't see anything from LFA in there. o.O
Bandit's Battle was better
You know, this fight was a bit too slow. You should make it a bit faster and more interesting (there was no good combo. In BB were many things like that).
But I'm waiting for the next part of your films, for Mission of Freeze xD