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Cyberen's Saddest Hour

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Princess Laucherella here... I'm sure you've all noticed my abcense. As I told a few of you, I was in Alamosa, visiting Cyberen at the hospital. His cancer took a turn for the worse, I'm afraid. The chemo has been really rough on him. Some of the time he was practically too weak to talk, so I just read him pop-up books and gave him sponge-baths (BFF crap). Because of his fragile state, I was unable to verify if it's true that he joined the KKK, as I announced in http://www.newgrounds.com /portal/view/467745. The source I recieved that news from was his mother, and, frankly, this woman's sexual promiscuity and skimpy way of dressing, in the opinion of this girl, is the reason Cyberen developed all that sexual confusion later in life, and I wouldn't take anything she says as gospel. I just don't want to believe it. Only time will tell, though.

The bottom line is very tragic. IF CYBEREN DOES NOT RECEIVE A MASTECTOMY, HE WILL DIE. This is truly Cyberen's saddest hour. Now more than ever, I need Newgrounds to comment Cyberen's Newgrounds page (cyberen.newgrounds.com) and show him your support. His mother told me that he was so touched when he saw the other comments that he almost cried. Nothing warms my heart more than thinking about making Cyberen cry. It really makes me feel good about making the Sillies. PLEASE COMMENT HIM AND LET HIM KNOW YOU'RE HERE FOR HIM WITH OR WITHOUT A LEFT "BREAST".

In today's Silly (another real life parallel), Cyberen finds out the news about the mastectomy from Dr. Buttswallows. I think you'll really feel fuzzy inside with this one. Cyberen, for once in his life, deals with this saddest hour in creative and healthy ways. Watch Cyberen seek therapy, meditate by the serene Cyberen Falls, write insightful letters to himself, laugh, cry, go through the stages of grief, and ultimately gain inner peace in this sad, sad hour

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Humm ok that's it ?

okay... the begining is quiet funny and the music too but...


............................. !!!

there is nothing more !!!


I'm sorry man but for a flash its kinda dull, but I liked the music

Princess-Laucherella responds:

it will never cease to confound me how some of you people review this crap like it's a real movie

k maybe

Idont like it

Princess-Laucherella responds:

u r gay

Credits & Info

0.83 / 5.00

Nov 12, 2008
6:17 PM EST