Love to see this song i loved as a child in such a nice animation
A bunch of old and new animations i threw together for a short flick. Some are over 2 years old, some are 2 weeks old, check it out, let me know what you think.
Love to see this song i loved as a child in such a nice animation
Es muy bueno, y la pelea era la mejor
now this is battle.
Another typically AWESOME vid. by nhazul... all around epic.
Short, but fun
It is always nice to take a look back and notice all of the things you have accomplished in the previous time. It was just fun to watch all these stick figures fighting, like they should be. It was kind of weird to see that lone anime-esque character in the middle of it. Even if you never get to finish any of these things, you definitley found a place for them to belong. I was amazed at how short an animation could give off such good quality. The music was extremely fitting and I wish I understood the title.