Very Good,But Funny!
This took more than i planned but is ready.
This is my Fandito Jones animation.
Very Good,But Funny!
why did you resubmit this?
Just for fun, but i'll not re-submit this flash anymore.
again and again
you are uploading this one more time, seriously man whats happening here ?
Self Destruction Button
A button in a public building to self-destruct. BRILLIANT!!!
There should be a law that make all public buildings have it.
Thank i think so too.
Like museums, if there is a boring plase just destroy it :D
your driving me crazy, this is the 5th consecutive time you've submitted this, this was a good flash, but you have completely disgraced it and yourself by constantly resubmitting it when you don't win an award!!!
Ok i´ll never goning to redubmit it anymore.
Could you forgive me?