5/5 for the awesome flash!!!
Vertigo by U2 is one of my favourite songs and I love it soo much, I thought a flash about the town Vertigo would be good. So I thought, wtf would Vertigo be like.... so I used my instincts and threw in a hell load of shooting fighting and sounds!
I love this song and this flash and I hope you do to!
(I also like corn and vegemite) ....
Enjoy! :D
5/5 for the awesome flash!!!
Getting better.
A definate improvement on your old work, I can really see improvements. The artwork is stunning.
Artwork? U mean the guns >.>
The sticks are terrible, but i cant draw real ppl....
hmmmmstick flash
keep up the good work! keep trying i c potential
What KIND of potential simpson!?
Great work on this video...
Keep trying hard at what you do and you will get better at it. This is probably the best stick figure vid that I have ever seen. This is what I like about it,
-You put effort into it
-The movie is totally full of action and its long
-The movie is funny
and the movie is about stick figures fighting. Well, thats all that I got to say. Nice work man.
Thanks dude!
A simple stick fight
Well it wasn't too bad, not great but not too bad. Good music. Truth be told i thought your assault rifle drawings were pretty kick ass. Anyway keep practicing, and keep working hard. You show some promise, but do try to avoid stick movies in the future.
Im on the urge of sticks and humans... I just cant drop the sticks...